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Tranny Tuesday: Clothes, Barbies, and Pediatricians are Grooming your Children.

Unknown Speaker 0:00

Be advised, you are now entering a no work zone, a place where facts always trump fiction. And truth always prevails, a zone where we destroy the left the liberals and the Democrats at home, online and in political office, a place where whining, crying, screaming, lashing out and tantrums are prohibited and punishable by law. Welcome to the last gay conservative podcast. Here's your host the beacon of truth, the gays conservative, the leader of the gay world, he may not be straight, but he's straight to the point. He's always right and never canceled. Ladies and gentleman, the last gay conservative themself Chad

Unknown Speaker 1:02

everybody and let's go Brandon, what an intro gets me every time love it, leader of the gay world while my fellow Americans tuning in leader of the gay world here Chad law got an awesome show for you today. It is our official launch of training Tuesday's here on the gay conservative podcast, we're gonna be reviewing some of the most ridiculous I mean, this is ridiculous and outrageous things happening around the Trans World. That's, of course, bleeding over into our world is interesting. You know, according to UCLA law school, the trans population is about 1.3 million people. And as you know, the population here in the US is about 330 million people. So you've got 1.3 million people that's essentially taking a foot hole in every American household recently, any issue that was traditionally left up to families and dealing with it, or doctors and the psychiatrists has now forced every family in the US to pick a side. And like so many issues today. You guys know what I feel it, you feel it, everyone feels that this is just another example that appeals to the morality of Americans and our culture of generosity, wanting the best for everyone. But on the other hand, some of these issues, especially trans issues, have some pretty dangerous consequences, where it's not as easy as just reaching out and helping a neighbor. It's bigger than that it has a much stronger impact on the future. And it has much higher risks for negativity and how it impacts our culture, our economy, and, and so many other things that trail trail behind it, you know, it's, it's, we talk about this on every show, it's the liberal specialty, you know, like racism, gay issues, Ukraine, the border, trans issues are just another way to suck you in, you know, suck us all in. Ultimately, it makes us feel constantly torn between our caring side, and then guilty or bad if we don't align or merely consider the other issues. Maybe not even the other issue is just questions around what's happening, and naturally wondering how things are going to impact us today and tomorrow, and we can't ask anymore. You know, this is the reality of where we're living is you can't ask or you're a villain. So we're gonna dive into Training Tuesdays and a bit. In the meantime, I heard a really funny joke this morning, I thought I would share with you guys, a highway patrol pulled over a car full of old ladies for going 30 on the freeway. When he approached the window of the car, he looked at the driver and said, Are you aware you're doing about 30 miles per hour under the speed limit? And he goes on to say, you know, going too slow can be just as dangerous as going too fast. And immediately the old lady driving says, hey, the speed limits 35 Look right there. That sign says 35 They're all over the highway. And the officer looks over and says ma'am, that is the sign for this highway. You're driving on i 35. The speed limit is the next sign see that big black and white that says 65 mph. He glances over at the ladies in the back. They're breathing heavily grabbing the seats tight and their eyes are wide open. And he's kind of puzzled and he looks at them and says Ladies, are you okay? And in a sigh of relief. One of the ladies says yes we are now we just got off of I 95.

Unknown Speaker 4:46

Love jokes like that. What's life if we can't laugh really? But instead of going through a bunch of news items today I thought I would vent to you all a little bit. I have lost a lot of faith in humanity at least I Did until this morning, kind of I don't know, it's hard for me to explain I'm having major mixed emotions around this whole Uvalde thing truly the the killings of the 19 people and kids in in Texas, but it sure has given the worthless politicians in Washington on both sides platforms to argue the media you can tell could not be happier to have something to cover and bring in all these so called experts to push their own agendas. I mean, even Fox I'm so disgusted by all of the people in the media and politicians around this strategy. I'm sure a lot of you feel the same way. You know, we should be in a moment of silence honoring those who lost everything. Instead we exploit them for dollars and delusions of new policy and change, which on the left, all of that gun control BS, everything that you're seeing from Kamala, these are all just distractions that are not going to work. I don't know why they keep trying to use these distractions like abortion buffalo Uvalde, you know, all of this stuff, talking about gun control, talking about nine millimeter bullets. You know, it's all just a big distraction. I mean, these people might as well get right on top of these kids coffins as their soap boxes. Really. It's that disgusting. I mean, the things I've heard from our president and the vice president over this incident to me are impeachable offenses, at least they should be. It is so disgusting, pushing gun control questions and an interview with parents and family members who lost everything. You have no shame, no humility, no morals. I mean, these people should be interviewed in hopes that their cries stop this from happening again and appeal to potential mass shooters. Oh no, not for Jake Tapper. Aman they use it to make their argument against gun control and how bad the right is hold up the microphone and hear their stories, their messages. Instead, they barrage them with questions like a White House briefing. I mean, the reason why I bring this up more than any of this is the levels of hate and anger online are helping no one you know this is not something for you to displace your personal anger on all these people talking about how much they hate this kid death this and destruction that hate speech towards his parents, all these so called Christians I mean, even Don Jr, who I love to death you all know that posted a New York Post article about the shooter's mom saying he had his reasons and pled for forgiveness for her and her son. I get it. I mean, saying he has his reasons seems odd and almost excuse like it's probably what it is. However, there's no standard on how to act in this situation. I'm sure she feels a weight of guilt on her back every day. And it's crippling. I'm sure it is she already had issues with drugs in the past. And if anything's gonna throw her back into using again, it's this but then Don Jr's caption says we're not supposed to judge this piece of shit who killed 19 people, he had his reasons fu he goes on to link it to excuses and lack of accountability, which I agree with wholeheartedly. But the sickening part to me is the 1000s of comments underneath the post of people so angry and calling for her death, essentially. And I'm just wondering, where we've gone so far as a nation as a people where God or Christ has been removed from all these conversations. It's very sad. We're supposed to be rooted in Christianity. And instead, it's all hate all anger all politics all the time. And it's it's not it's not fun to ask. But you can imagine my renewed sense of faith when I came across an article reporting on and CNN interview between the uncle of a girl who died and Dana Bash the CNN reporter, and she, of course, tried to bait this guy. She's a soulless piece of crap who gets off on kids being shot for her ratings. And she's so disrespectful to the uncle and she says to him, What would you like to see happen so another le is dead nice is not gunned down anywhere else. And the uncle replied, and he says change. I know we say there needs to be changed and we can and then he stops and he thinks the second he says, quote as a Christian, I am not here to blame anyone. I don't want to point the finger at anyone. Yes, he was the one who pulled the trigger, but I forgive him bash the despicable human being she is gasps like she got the wind knocked out of her and acted like it was absolutely impossible for a Christian in times of extreme desperation and sadness to fall into their faith was just disgusting. I mean, she literally acted like the wind got knocked out of her. It just shows the lack of humanity in the media, especially CNN, which is the rape and pedophile network. This was the best part though the uncle went on to say, quote, The Bible says in Ephesians four that we must forgive one another, just as God has forgiven you, and I hold no hatred towards him. I hold no hatred towards law enforcement. There may have been errors made, I am filled with anger, but I feel no hatred towards him. We were thankful to have Ellie for the nine years of her life with us, we will never forget her. And she will always be a part of this family even in her death. So that right there, that's a real Christian. That's someone who clearly walks the walk and talks the talk. Imagine if the media or politicians and communities held that same mindset. Of course, these families of victims will all have their own healing process. By no means am I suggesting that they can feel what this man feels. But what I'm saying is, is if we stopped going into these tragedies with anger blinders on, in our hearts filled with hate to point fingers and blame, we could actually probably make some progress had that boy who committed the crimes been shown the love and forgiveness, especially the love and forgiveness towards his self hate that we've found out later. I don't think any of us would be talking about it. I think it would have deterred him from doing what he's doing or doing what he did. Excuse me, the conversation would naturally move away from guns or politics to what is fundamentally wrong, not just outside circumstance, but what is deeply missing in and wrong in our culture, that we are facilitating mass violence. I will answer your questions and more on my next Monologue Monday. I can assure you all this, it's not about gun control. It's not mental health. It's not school shootings, or police training. All of those things are part of the conversation. But Are any of those reasons? You can decide on your own? So anyways, thanks for letting me rant. It's been hard for me to watch so many people who inspire me spew hate and anger instead of love and prayer. I guess I thought there were more people, politicians and media personalities out there with love, empathy and faith. It just doesn't exist anymore. Had Christianity been rooted in that community, I believe truly, that we could have cut this shooter off at the pass on Pride. Moving on today, like I said, is Training Tuesday, and this week, it's all about the kids. You know, we used to say, you never know what's lurking in the shadows. Well, folks, there's no more lurking, there's no more No more shadows. This is just a blatant push in the light of day to make kids question their sex or gender. And crazy enough, it's hitting them from every direction. So I've got a few good ones to go over with you all today. And I think it'll shed some light on what's really going on with this trans stuff as recently. So of course, it wouldn't be a week if we did not have trans in sports. Last week, a girl named Taylor Silverman took on social media to rightfully rant about placing second three times in a row against a trans girl or biological male in the same competition.

Unknown Speaker 13:10

Yeah, and I think that it's pretty clear that biological men have an advantage across the board and most sports and in skateboarding, you know, we are built completely differently. They're stronger, they have more muscle than us. They are less prone to injuries, amongst other things, the list goes on. But I think it's pretty easy to recognize if you're just using common sense that biological men who have gone through male puberty have the athletic advantage.

Unknown Speaker 13:39

She says, and I quote, My name is Taylor Silverman. I'm a female athlete. I've been skateboarding for 11 years and competing for several years, I have been in three different contests with a trans woman, two of which I play second at the last contest series I did for Red Bull, I placed second she went on to say the trans competitor who won took $1,000 In qualifiers $3,000 in finals and $1,000. And best trick this total to $5,000 of prize money meant for the female athletes, I took $1,000 In qualifiers

Unknown Speaker 14:13

and $1,750 per second place. So 2750 In total, the girl who took third received $750 The girl who deserved $1,000 for best trick to nothing along with whoever would have placed in third I deserved to place first be acknowledged for my win and get paid. I reached out to Red Bull and was ignored. I'm sick of being bullied into silence. She wrote Good for her. You know, unlike the girls on the East Coast Ivy League swimming conferences, this girl didn't give a crap and told her story. I think most of us know she's right. And I think it's been easier for leaders of companies like Red Bull to bury their heads in the sand and not take a stance because it's a tricky issue, as always allowing the mob to be them into submission. It's, you know, here we are, again too afraid to stand up against the madness for fear of shaming, and we've allowed the stuff to happen. We've allowed our fear to impact even kids competitions. It's sick when the real problem with trans in sports, especially the trans girls competing against biological girls in colleges, leagues, high schools, etc, is we've just let it happen without question. And all hell breaks loose, and they're all helpless. It's a losing situation for everyone. And that's not the way you do things. systems must be set up. We know this, you got to set up systems in order to start something new. So in no fault of her own, this poor girl who spoke the truth is now being inundated with hate online. And it's absolutely disgusting. I mean, in one post, they took a picture of her from her Instagram in a bathing suit and wrote, well, she's built like a man. And these are the same woke people who stand up for trans rights, but then gender shame her. I mean, they're calling her a sore loser telling her to get better at skateboarding. Therefore, we should not feel guilt around this community. Well love everyone until you disagree. And then it's all out hate. One tweet actually threatened her with violence. It's disgusting. American news wire posted a Gallup poll from last year showing that 62% of Americans believe that transgendered should have to compete with their biological equal. That's the whole thing we're dealing with today. It's the left's open disregard for Democracy has made it very clear to all of us that even in a majority, a large majority, they will never stand down. They will never accept defeat, and then they will do whatever it takes destroy whoever they need to to push their agenda forward. They use tax incentives and funding to these corporations to keep businesses in their pocket. You see it here. cij said, I reached out to Red Bull, the sponsor of the event to no avail to me I don't know on the outside Redbull doesn't seem to be a woke business. But somehow for some reason, they won't touch the trans and sports issue with a 10 foot pole. Where's the accountability? Who's leading the show here? Each one of these companies that do this are digging their own grave? I mean, they make millions off of these events. If you look at Monster Energy, for example, their entire business and marketing model revolves around more motocross and sports like that. So unfair competition coming directly from the liberals, who supposedly are the people of fair and equality for all, unless you're white, straight English speaking and like your genitals where they are. They're the party of fairness, the Democrats, right? Well, parents naturally don't want their kids to fail. Mark my words, enrollment in sports that openly allow biologically advantaged kids to compete against their opposite born sex will decline rapidly, it's already started, it's not going to be until the numbers drop enough that corporations leagues and the media will start trickling out concepts. Just watch, you'll see, you'll see folks, it's right, it'll be right in front of your face. I mean, who wants to set their own child up for failure, even on the furthest of the left, they're not gonna put their kids and have them fail over and over again, this is the party of seventh place trophies, even parents of kids who aren't that great at sports. It goes against every possible argument, nature and biology. And what I want to see is the trans boys get in the pool with biological men. Is that fair, we don't see a lot of that, do we? That's because they would lose every single time no one wants to lose every single time. It's easy for these biological boys, or trans girls, whatever they're called, not to dehumanize them, but I just always get confused between trans guys and trans girls. But these guys that have transitioned into women, of course, they're going to want to win. It's human nature, especially as males, we are competitive. And most of the time, history tells us that humans will beg borrow and steal to win. So that's what they're doing. And you can't blame them because they look at an opportunity and they go oh man, I can be number one. I was really shitty when I played against my biological equals, but now I'm the best and I'm going to keep on being the best until someone tells me not to. That's where it's not fair. So, so it'll be interesting to see how Red Bull if they do respond, see if this can stick in the media for as long as it needs for this poor girl who's been in second place every time against a biological male will get the payout that she deserves and get compare competition integrity, as so many refer to it as Alright, moving away from sports. You'll remember when school uniforms were a big topic for debate. Well, we're in for a real treat when this new fashion designer hits the mass market and kids underwear. I Think this is the woke sequel to The Devil Wears Prada. We're talking designer with a grip. Of course that means gripping your penis and balls until they're ready for removal. These garments are essentially the marinade if you will for the meat attached to little boys, a designer in England who makes lingerie for transgender people, which alone is bizarre to me because don't they want to be in their new gender? Why do they need special Andre? If they are really women are really men transitioning? Maybe it's lingerie for the trainee prostitutes in the valley to tuck up their drunk for their patrons. I mean, what is this? It's a glamorized game of hide the pickle. Honestly, why do you need different underwear if you're truly a guy or a girl, if I change from a guy to a girl, don't I just throw away my boxers and start wearing ladies underwear.

Unknown Speaker 20:50

This is a specialist talking thumb by a company called Carmen loop that makes design a luxury specifically for trans women. I am wearing one right now you can tell completely flat, can't see a thing. Now the way these work is the gusset area is very, very wide. So it can accommodate your junk. You see that? You pull it up to out there. Use those two fingers to push it your testicles and hold your Squirtle tissue in place. Use that finger to pull your penis back and then pull it up tight like that.

Unknown Speaker 21:37

I mean, this must be my trans and homophobic uneducated white male speaking Excuse me, but I've got to give this woman credit. Her name is Carmen Lu, she founded a niche, great marketing and great way to secure a place in the future business in the fashion world. And the Daily Mail reported the underwear by Carmen Lu is specifically designed to flatten the side profile of the pelvic area which conservative politician and former director of Save the Children. Tory Pierre Verona's Nicholson, which I'm just gonna say Nicholson claimed is tantamount to child abuse. He says I am truly horrified the makers sellers and distributors of these are breaking the Children's Act and are heavily abusing the NHS health criteria for children the end of where is just this kind of plain black or white with little satin bows on them there on the designers website under the kids section. as sick as that is there are seven sizes the smallest tailored for a child four years old. The website says that Carmen Liu kids is here for trans girls and non binary children in their journey. We are the world's first company, you heard to listen to the children that need us. Of course what I say to that as you're creating a world for children needs you. Children don't just need you out of the blue designer says each product is here to provide children with the stepping stones to find themselves in a supportive validating experience. It says we are here to provide gender expression products for trans girls and non binary children and aim of finding their true authentic self. It always goes back to that authentic self. And what would we do without it? The craziest part of this entire story is that these garments now are being said to have seriously negative impacts on the child's health and development. I mean, to me this is equivalent to the Japanese women who bind their feet to make them smaller or the Africans who stretch their necks out with rings. I mean, as foreign as those things seem, at least they're rooted in years of culture. Oh, and notice that 1000s of years of culture in body expressions don't include genital mutilation. Maybe these societies realize that procreation and the ability to breed was maybe I don't know a little bit important for their future and we're still are the doctors were warning of permanent damage to the genitals and possible effects on fertility later in life if the child later decides against living as a transgender is Dr. Shubin, Ahmed explain testicles need to be at a lower temperature a couple of degrees lower than the body. That is why they're in the scrotum outside of the body at a young age. If they continue to remain in a high position the cells that produce sperm will eventually die off. Well. According to the biz PAC review, the founder and he was Carmen Lew blasted critics on Friday and claimed this is the time for LGBTQ XYZ underscore community needs her products the most. She says your claims are absurd, unfounded and without merit. The critique landed at a convenient time when legislation to ban conversion therapy to exclude transgender people in the media and subjected to wide outrage in protest. She says this is an attempt to cast contempt on the community At a time when support and understanding is needed most So folks, essentially what we have here is another move towards accepting transgender kids at face value without any question. That is the purpose here. And for all the other efforts to push this stuff at the youngest possible level, using everyday items like clothing to normalize transgenderism is also a way to get parents more accepting of it painting this picture that it's easy and no big deal to transition it you just see it. It's like, oh, wow, there's clothes that help with this people can order online, okay, maybe it's not that bad. I mean, how long until these things make it into the Land's End catalog. You know, just like teaching when you're born, doctors assign you a label or gender sex. That's not what you really are, you can choose what you want. It sets a precedent of normalcy, that later when you're a hormone, raging teen, and feel uncomfortable with who you are, which everyone goes through, you can easily fall back on the thought that you might be the wrong gender. We're gonna see all sorts of everyday items geared towards transgenderism. They're already working on things like popsicles with the hormones in them, so they're easily unnatural to consume. We already see places like Target removing boys and girls sections to remove stigma So boys can try on girls clothes and vice versa. It's totally sick. And now we see this new trend and non binary meaning I think that they don't have a gender or subscribe to one and it's just a pure result of all the gender mashing and removal if they cannot get you to question or want to change your gender. The least they can do is create so much confusion that people become asexual or non binary. This stuff is way bigger than us folks way bigger. This is an organized and well executed plan to create confusion, push more guilt and normalize a mental health disorder that will have detrimental impacts on our future. Next on the transgender telegram Barbie has come out with a new transgender Barbie Mattel and all the Liberals have been cheering at the progress they're making in the trans move trans movement by launching its first ever trans Barbie. Folks, listen to me here. Okay, there are so many things wrong with this. I could speak about it for months. It's disgusting. And it's raping little girls of their imaginations over and repeatedly. And when I say rape, I mean rape, forcibly putting something totally age inappropriate in front of them where they have no choice but to look at it. And that's the definition of rape is to sexually assault a person without his or her consent. Where are these kids consenting? It just It angers me beyond belief. So again, Mattel, grinning with girlish Glee comes out and announces that the largest trans celebrity Laverne I have no Cox will be designing the new doll

Unknown Speaker 27:52

Laverne Cox is revealing something very exciting exclusively on the third hour. She's here to Phyllis Phyllis in audit Laverne. Good morning. Morning. It's good to see you again. It's good to meet you. I'm really excited. I am so honored and excited to announce that there is now a Laverne Cox Barbie doll. Wow. I'm the latest person to have a Barbie created in their image by Mattel and they have this incredible Barbie tribute series with incredible people like Eva, duper ne and Brandi etc. I have to tell you this part. So I was like, I want her to have multiple outfits and they make it cost effective. So people can afford it. It's 40 bucks, retail. We can only do one outfit, but I was like what if we have an outfit that she that peels off, this day comes off, and then the dress underneath comes off so you can mix and match that style. And

Unknown Speaker 28:45

for those of you don't know who I'm referring to her name is Laverne Cox, she made headlines playing the prison hairstylist on Orange is the New Black and the drive by media has since made her the poster child for the trans community, the black trans community and the trans in media like TV and movies community. The hilarious part of this is that she looks like a real woman. I mean, honestly, she looks like she could be a Barbie. She does. She's a very attractive woman that embodies feminine who that embodies femininity, obsessively. In my opinion, if you saw her on the street other than her height, you would have no idea she was trans. And that sends a false reality to these trans kids that struggle boys who want to become girls will look at that Barbie and say wow, she's beautiful and rich and I could be like her one day, when really they're gonna look like Caitlyn Jenner who I like but she looks like a monster or that nasty thing and human health services Rachel Levine but of course a multi millionaire celebrity with makeup and hair teams all the time can look great, but it's not reality. And what about inclusivity Where's trans can you know? And then I want to know are these Barbies anatomically correct? They show the big wounds and bruise whizzes from the breast stretchers before they put in the implants. How about all the shots and pills they have to take for the rest of their life are those sold separately? So glorifying transgenderism in Barbies is just another way to transgender eyes, children. That's it, there is no purpose the trans population makes such makes up such a small percentage of people, you cannot honestly justify shelf space for these items. It's merely a Political advertisement. And I know because I've worked with retailers my entire life and their planogram would never allow for something like this normally. I mean, think about what Barbie represents me is kind of like Marilyn Monroe, she's just Barbie is the epitome of femininity and success. Dolls, like Barbie have offered a way for girls to imagine themselves in an alternative universe. It allows them to imagine how they would fit in what they want to look like and who they're attracted to. It creates a fairy tale essentially. And you see this with the Black and Brown Barbies, which I love. It offers the same dream world and imagination for girls who connect more with a doll that looks like them. It makes sense to me. You also see this with American Girl dolls, they have backstories and different personalities so girls can identify with a particular doll or girl and create an imaginative life together. On the other hand, gender dysphoria, folks, gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. It's not a race or gender or sexuality. It's purely confusion over one's gender, this argument that they should have representation the same as the SIS or biological girls is BS. First, there are not enough trans girls and to be honest, shouldn't be a lot of trans in that age group because they can't even mentally comprehend the true meaning. Second, because we don't make dolls around mental illness, I mean, are they going to make a depression Barbie? How about a bipolar Barbie where you can turn her around and she's happy on one side of the body and sad on the other? Maybe they'll do a Karen Carpenter Barbie for anorexia awareness? No, but none of those things are sexy. They use the trans angle for press and pick the most feminine non trans looking woman in suffi society Laverne has no Cox and then conveniently make a Barbie it's it's a money grab and a PR stunt. I mean, good for them, but has nothing to do with caring for trainees and any parent who buys this for their kid is contributing to the decline of their children's mental health and stability. I think it's child abuse. Then as I'm researching the story, the irony of all of it is American news. One wire pointed out that the doll itself is being manufactured were in Indonesia, one of the most radical terrorist harboring Muslim countries in the world. Naturally, we can deduce we don't even have to deduce we know for a fact that they're not so gay friendly there. In fact, they kill gays, they impale them with swords and leave them on town squares and beat them until they die throw rocks at them and moat much, much worse. Indonesia has been on the LGBTQ travel warning list. For years. It has also been published in hundreds of political and travel journals that claim they're responsible for dozens of human rights violations. If this tells us anything. It's that no one really cares about trans Laverne Cox could never go visit the factory. She'd be killed before she left the airport. It's all about money. Everyone is cashing out at the expense of LGBTQ torture, underpaid slave labor, and overseas manufacturing. Wow. They truly are the group of love and support and fairness and equality, right. It's up for an Indonesia. So if clothes and toys don't do it for you, folks, the left is going to take any angle they can which coincidentally now is the children's medical community. Now this one is going to require some Tums because it's surely going to give you heartburn this month, the American Academy of Pediatricians published its first book that is making its way into school curriculum in libraries all over the country. I mean, pediatricians wrote it, it must be safe, right? Yeah, that's what I thought to the book is called you ology a puberty guide for everyone. According to Publishers Weekly quote, in keeping with today's focus on gender inclusivity the book provides a comprehensive approach to puberty education, with the idea that all children are best served when they learn about their own bodies, and the bodies of their peers regardless of gender. As I always say, I have no problem with transgender people, and I think it's their right if they truly are trans and want to transition. However, you cannot put that deeply intimate decision and realization into kids literature, especially around medicine and health. I mean, this is just blatant propaganda, and it's hidden under medical information, which we see all the time online. Let me read to you Do a little bit from this book. This is from chapter three, and it's called body parts smarts. LaShawn the bullies locker room at the community center that goes with sounds of voices in metal locker doors clanging Antonio Jack and I peel up our shirts and shove them into the lockers ready to head out to the pool and our swim trunks. But just as we're about to leave and Tonio pokes me on the shoulder. Isn't that Olivia from the grade below us? He asked. Not very quietly. I follow Antonio's gaze towards the bathroom stalls. What is she doing in here? She doesn't have a peepee Jack spits out some of the water he was drinking, dropping the bottle to rest against the arm of his wheelchair. Did you just say peepee? Well, what do you call it? I asked stepping out of Jack's splash zone. It's obviously called a Willie Jack says crossing his arms. That's my uncle's name Antonio says laughing Hey, says the voice behind us and we all turn to see Olivia his older brother David. He's wearing his red lifeguard swim trunks a t shirt with a whistle around his neck and a small frown. I look around quickly checking that we haven't accidentally broken any of the pool rules. Maybe Jack wasn't supposed to be drinking water in here. Olivia was assigned female at birth, David says and I look back at him. His expression isn't frowning anymore just furious. That's why you may have known him in the past as Olivia David continues, but Oliver is a boy. So that means he's transgender. He belongs in the boys locker room as much as any of us do. Oh, says Antonio glancing over to where Oliver is stalking his stuff in the locker room. We didn't know it's okay, says David. Now you do. And in general, not everyone who comes into the boys locker room will have the same body parts as you and that's normal. I get that Jack says padding his legs where they are buckled into his wheelchair. So twice as Antonio pointing at the giant height difference between him and me. Thanks for explaining it to us. I say David nods and says No problem. I'm going to tell all of her I told you, but make sure you don't tell others. That's his business when he's ready. Then he smiles and says also it's called a penis. It's a Willie Jack insists. And this time we all laugh. As we leave the locker room I notice how everyone we pass is different shapes, sizes and colors dressed in every type of swimsuit imaginable. Hey, Oliver, Antonio says when we pass him want to play some water basketball with us. Jack and I are so skilled that LaShawn needs a really good teammate and he wants stand a chance all of our turns pulling the edges of his swim shirt and smiles you're on he says and gives them a high fives. Oh, wow. I can't even imagine this scenario happening. I mean, what a bunch of bull these kids are just so open and perfect. And that's normal, right? I mean, what does that have anything to do with puberty literally has no tie to puberty at all. And that's what the book is about. It's a fake story. In lala land of trans kids. Every single chapter is like that hairy armpits. Well, your friend who was a girl, and now a boy may not have as much hair there. And that's normal. It's so inappropriate. It makes me sick. Oh, and just one more thing to add about this 67,000 pediatrician signed off on this book. It's like how convenient for the mom and the media to use a medical book as trans propaganda where again, no one will question if we don't look. So just to recap, we've got clothes that mutilate boy's genitals for ages four and up to help them in their transition journey and help them get a jumpstart on their transitions. Then we've got a new Barbie of a trans woman with unachievable looks for the same people who obsess over the female body image and the magazines and media setting false standards with airbrushing, etcetera, creating a Barbie based on someone who must wear more makeup than Maybelline and is constantly airbrushed to make herself look more feminine. Where's the outcry here? I guess that trans can set false body image standards for women. But the rules don't apply for everyone else. Only when it's convenient. The same people who have criticized Barbie for years now are cheering. I mean, grooming is the new term that all of us devils use on the right. But I mean, what else is there to say I didn't use it for the longest because I wasn't really sure that kids were getting groomed. But this is all and all grooming mean, you've got kids getting hit with trans bias from close to dolls to medical and science reading in schools. How do we not surmise that this is grooming? I mean, my big question is what is wrong with a kid or an adult being able to feel what they feel and sit with it for a while before they choose to come out on their own? I mean, we don't need to be pushed out. We decide on our own. If what we really feel is what we feel on our own accord. I mean, maybe there was but I don't remember any blame In gay bias and indoctrination growing up, thank God see, I would have never wanted to look back at my age now and say, Am I really gay? Or was it everything in the textbooks and everything that was teaching me and such. I mean, people like me who didn't get a push out of the closet, we had to be 100% Sure, and we risked everything ridicule, parental rejection, bullying, losing friends, but we knew what our sexuality was 100% and we shared it. And that's why for years, I've always said I was born this way, and I don't think anyone in their right mind would choose to be gay. It's not easy. It is a lot more now, but it wasn't easy. And we go through too much as gays to bring it upon ourselves. However, today, it seems a okay totally normal and, and very little pushback occurs. I mean, during that shift around Prop Eight, it became really trendy to come out 1000s of otherwise straight kids came out gay or bi for attention. And this is a fact there's recorded stories and interviews about it all over the internet. And now being gay or bi doesn't even raise an eyebrow, which is why the natural next level up is to use non binary, binary and trans for an attention grab mean, these people really think that model Sports Illustrated Victoria's Secret negatively impact young girls. I mean, what is this with the Barbie? It's the same thing, setting up boys who may really struggle with their gender, allowing them to think that transition and blending in as a total woman is possible, like it is for Laverne Cox. And Little do they know that chances are higher that they're going to come out looking like Mickey Rorick? I mean, they say it's so natural to be trans and everyone has different genders and there are millions coming as we eliminate fear, you should have no need to introduce all this propaganda to kids, it would just happen naturally. I mean, today it's fashion designers Barbies and kids books. What's next? You're going to have to stay tuned for training Tuesday next week, when we cover all the various critics of the trends craziness and what's happening to them now.

Unknown Speaker 42:08

I'm Chad law reminding you what Reagan once said peace and individual Betterment are universal purposes. They are at the heart of the American dream. God bless you President Reagan, and may God save America.

Unknown Speaker 42:39

You just listened to the last gay conservative podcast hosted by Chad law. For this episode and others, please visit our website Laska We are also available on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and anywhere else you listen. If you enjoyed the podcast please like subscribe and share. You can also follow us on social media at Lasky conservative. We proudly support the Fallen causes the Convention of States action, the National Rifle Association, the American Conservative Union, the Lincoln club, the freedom watch and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. The Alaska conservative podcast is produced by Joshua Chavez, Assistant Producer Alisa Quwata. Creative Director Max Tucker, and narration by Abba mansion and we Charles the Lasky conservative is a production of bend right Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2022

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