Intro: Diane Feinstein says goodbye to her friends in the Senate while liberal sharks start to smell blood. Environmental Nazis are coming for your gas stove, whether you like it or not, and dirty Pete is up in dirty smoke. You're listening to the Last Gay Conservative. I'm your host, Chad Lost.
Chad: Yeah. Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of The Last Gay Conservative. I'm Chad Law, your hostess with the mostess. America's binary brother, the holiest homo, and the gayest conservative of all time. Here in my safe space, my woke free zone in Newport Beach, California, overlooking the water with one mission to send common sense conservative politics through the airwaves on our red, white, and blue rainbow. Well, it's the day after Valentine's Day. I hope you all had a fantastic day filled with chocolates and balloons and roses and all that other sappy crap. I don't love Valentine's Day for two reasons. One, I never have a Valentine my choice. I have to put that out there. Have plenty of offers.
But second of all, for whatever reason, holidays, these Hallmark holidays just bring out the worst in people and all the freaks come out. And so I merely shut the blinds and lock the doors and hide out until everyone goes back to their little caves or sewers or wherever they came from. No, but in all seriousness, folks, I do hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day either with yourself or with your partner. I do like Galentine's Day, though. That's a lot of fun. Get together with all your friends and drink and talk about why being single is so much better than being with someone. I'm merely projecting on all of you. I do want to say thank you to all of you for your tweets and emails and chats on the website about the Gailey News.
It's something I'm so proud of and something no other podcasters in this industry offer. A handpicked vetted news email that keeps the listeners completely informed. It's fantastic. You don't have to do anything except for open your email, so thank you for those who are enjoying it, please sign up if you haven't had the chance. Also, in case you've missed it, I'm doing a weekly op-ed for the opinion column on my website. They are often published as well on top conservative sites. This week's column is all about the Democrats love for cognitively challenged candidates like John Federman, Diane Feinstein, and Joe Biden. And it was already picked up by Beau Nerdly of the Rush Limbal Show and published on his Daily BS site. Very, very proud of that.
On a quick personal side note, I want to give a shout out to two of my oldest friends, Irene Flaherty, her man Mark and her daughter Katie, all very proud New York conservatives. I just recently found out that they are listeners and although we haven't connected in some years, I love them very much and I'm so proud to have them listening to my show. But that's enough sappy crap for today. We've got three big news items to cover today. Diane Feinstein just announced that she's not seeking reelection to her post as the Senate's token crip keeper, I mean senator from California. 89 years old people, and she's had seriously noticeable cognitive decline in the last six to seven years, maybe even more. But of course, the Democrats have forced her to stay in office. They feed her her snow peas and prop her up with pillows because she was easily controlled, and she doesn't represent that crazy progressive caucus that they can't control anymore.
They've learned their lesson. Listen, her leaving is not necessarily a good thing. Feinstein was progressive, but not like the potential candidates I want to go over. The gas stove topic is heating up again. Although the feds have completely backtracked and said they're not looking to remove gas stoves, many states are already drawing up legislation to say the opposite. This whole thing is so ass backwards folks, and it's going to be so much worse for every single category that they're quoting or they're using as an excuse. It's going to be so much worse having all electric. And of course, dirty Pete is in the headlines again because he's not you guessed it, doing his job. Carcinogenic chemicals are seeping into the groundwater and flying through the air in Ohio, and he's more worried about his future presidential talking points and nonsense about racist roads and construction crews, etcetera.
The motives here are very suspect, and we need to take a deeper look into Pete's failures, but also the federal response, which has been lackluster. Alright, I'm going to take a quick break and we'll be back after these words. Folks, let me ask you something, would you eat spam out of the can every day? No other option, just spam. Well, if you're still feeding your pet's kibble or traditional wet food, that's what they're getting. Actually, probably even worse quality than spam. If you don't believe me, listen to this. We received the following email this week, and I want to read it to you. Chad, thank you so much for recommending Darwin's pet. It's only been two weeks and my dog is itch and smell free. He's always suffered from itchy, oily skin that stunk, and we had to bathe him constantly, which made the problem worse. We did not have to bathe him since we started him on Darwin's. Raw was one of the only diets I didn't try based on the vet's advice and the thought of having to touch raw meat. But I can't believe I waited.
The red brown stains on his paws are fading. His eyes seem brighter. He doesn't stink. I've never seen anything like it. Thank you for saving our dog, Christine in Las Vegas. I love it. Don't thank me Christine. Thank the folks at Darwin's Pet. They want everyone to experience the difference of a biologically advanced raw diet right now and have a starting special for only 14.95. Don't let the vets fool you folks like they did me and my family for so many years. They get major kickbacks from companies like Purina and the Hills Science Diet. The meat and produce in Darwin's are fresh and top quality. They're a United States based company who use United States materials, and they have the best customer service in the world. If you're unsure about getting started or need any more information, pick up the phone, call them. They will walk you through everything.
If your pet suffers from digestive issues, skin issues, allergies, excessive paw chewing, dule, excessive shedding coat, or anything else, there's a good chance it's directly related to their diet. Try Darwin's Pet today for $14.95, and I promise you'll be shocked how quickly many of your pet's issues can clear up. It's not much more expensive than premium kibble, and you feed much less. Your pets are looking up at you right now. I know it with those big eyes saying, please, mom and dad, order me Darwin's. It's only 15 bucks.
Alright. Like I mentioned, Diane Feinstein, 89 years old, was elected to Senate in 1992. At that time, she was considered to be the AOC of 1992, if you will, as one of the most progressive politicians next to all of her left of center, Bill Clinton, Democrats. But today, she's actually considered more moderate as her party has surpassed her in progressiveness, which we've seen. All of these older Democrats are still struggling to keep up with this progressive caucus because they're not that progressive, but the progressive caucus and those members dominate the news cycle. So if they don't act like they're getting on board, then they by default get bad press. Sadly, her mind has been failing her for years, and we just thought this week she came out and said, I'm not running for reelection. And then one of the reporters that was yesterday, today one of the reporters asked her this morning, well, what do you have to say about not running for reelection?
And she said, what? I haven't announced anything yet. Where am I? What's going on here? What's this big white building I'm in? She was so frazzled, she couldn't figure out how these people knew that she wasn't running for reelection. So finally, a staffer came up and kind of whispered in her ear and said boss, we announced that yesterday. And she says, oh, I thought you said resign, not reelection. I plan on sticking through my term. Well, that's not what the Democrats want. See, the Democrats want her to resign so then Newsom can appoint anyone that he wants to that position again so the party has full control. We don't have to worry about a Republican getting that spot, will not happen, period. But it's becoming a race to the bottom of progressiveness. And they want to install the most progressive, but the most controllable person in Congress, which is probably Barbara Lee, who we'll talk about a little bit later.
Now, I will say Feinstein has had an insane political career. I mean, insane. She lost running for San Francisco mayor twice, and then the sitting mayor got shot and she was put into the position by default, actually. She's had two assassination attempts on her life since she's been in the public eye, and she has supposedly broken many glass ceilings as a woman in Washington, as a female senator in Washington. Now, as far as we're concerned, we can thank her for things like championing the 10 year assault on weapons bans. And she really had a great project, which was all about environmental protections for the deserts, the deserts of the Western United States that we all live in. Those were her two big claim to fame folks, not a whole lot to talk about. She's been there and really only been recognized for the fact that she's either a woman, a woman who served the longest, or who's the oldest. That's it.
So for me, that's okay. She's going to vote in line with Schumer and she's going to do what she needs to do to stay on the left hand side and not go too crazy in my opinion. What's scarier for me are the replacement candidates, the possible replacement candidates. So of course, my favorite Katie Porter zero experience. She's in her third term in Congress, all three, which she barely won in Orange County. They tout her as this big law professor from UCI. Do you know what she taught? Bankruptcy law. So if you run up your credit card bills, just call Katie Porter and she'll help you file bankruptcy. She's nothing special, folks. She's never done anything special in her entire life except for snarl and yell and scream for attention without offering any solutions or any positive contributions to Congress. It's all a show.
It's this persona that she's created as a warrior, a fighter, a strong woman, the only single woman, when in reality all she does is tear people down and hurt people and barade people that come onto committee testimony instead of asking her. The scariest part about Katie Porter is that the first big Democrat to come out and sponsor her or endorse her is Pocahontas. Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is absolutely bat shit crazy. You all know this. Elizabeth Warren is probably the biggest and most problematic Democrat on the Senate side because she can't keep her story straight, and all she cares about is dominating in the media. That's it. She just wants to be in the news. And so of course, that's exactly what Katie Porter wants. So the two of them are thickest thieves. So I don't want anyone as my senator in California who's endorsed by Pocahontas.
Then we've got Adam Schiff, who is, I don't want to say worse than Katie Porter, but he's pretty bad. He's been in Congress for seven terms now. You hear him talk. I mean, the guy doesn't have 2 IQ points to rub together. He's been caught lying so many times it's not even funny. He used his committee seat in the house intelligent committee, house Intelligence committee, excuse me, to work through Trump's impeachment, in which he was caught lying several times about the contents or the communication between Trump and Zelensky in the Ukraine. It was a quick conversation, and then Schiff made it seem like they were plotting to take over the world. It's ridiculous. He's lost a lot of credibility among the DNC as well, and his voters in California. The guy has really been circling the bowl for quite some time now, and I'm not sure how he's going to do.
The problem is that Nancy Pelosi has endorsed him, which will actually carry some weight, serious weight in California. Feinstein hasn't chosen anyone to endorse yet. She's 89. What do you expect? Then we've got Barbara Lee, who's Cuckoo Bird. She's like 75. What? How old is Barbara Lee? Look that up for me. I think she's 76. So then we're going to just go into another Feinstein, 76 years old woman from Oakland who has just been a huge problem for the Democrats and for us. She's completely anti-military. She's introduced three bills that thank God failed to cut defense spending by billions. President Biden's recommendation for the budget in that omnibus spending bill was several billions less than what Republicans were able to get through. So she had a temper tantrum, started stomping her feet on the floor, and then introduced a bill that would cut it back down to the recommendation of Joe Biden.
Here's the problem, Biden's following the Obama military funding formula, which has decimated our military. Our military is so weak, it's not even funny. The advanced weapons systems that we have are so far behind China. We are in no position to protect Taiwan or to have a military conflict against China. They have far superior weapons, aircraft, navy vessels, etcetera. Our stuff is all getting put together with bubblegum and duct tape. So her and the likes of Biden and Obama want to, of course, decimate the military because they don't see any value in the military. It's easier to just give other countries our military and our military spending instead of building our own. So Barbara Lee is very scary. She's very, very scary. She really thinks that America does not need defense, and if she thinks that there should be defense, she thinks it should be barely funded and funds should be redistributed into her big champion, which is race.
She's a black woman, not that that should matter, but she's a black woman. She sits on the congressional Black Caucus and she seemingly makes everything about race, which is interesting because most of the other politicians that sit on the black caucus are not that way. You hear way more about racial inequities from white politicians than you ever do from black politicians, which is very telling. But not her. She wears the race card proud and high. She also wears her antisense anti-military card, proud and high, and she would be the pick for this Senate seat should Feinstein choose to retire before her term is actually up. The other one who hasn't officially announced, but W=will is Ro Conna from the Silicon Valley. He's a total socialist. He has actively worked to block oil and gas permits, which were directly responsible for these huge price increases.
He was also shown in the Twitter files, one of the only elected representatives to come out in the Twitter files as someone who contacted Twitter to suppress the story about Hunter Biden's laptop and banning the New York Post. What does a California representative from the Silicone Valley have to do with Twitter's blocking or censoring the New York Post or stories about Hunter Biden's laptop? It's none of his business, nothing to do with him, but because he feels so highly of himself and he thinks that being able to shut social media sites down or encourage censorship is within his realm as a congressperson is quite alarming. Now, it's going to be very interesting to watch this. Trust me, several other people are going to pop up. There's even talk about Newsom sliding into the Senate seat to buy himself more time to run for President, Xavier Becca from the Human and Health Services, who's the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
He's the boss of Rachel Levine, that big tranny who is also part of health and human services, which has been a complete failure the last two years with safe using sites, free needles, free crack pipes, and all the rest that are supposed to remove the stigma of using drugs. Well, guess what? The stigma is what happens to help people get sober. But Xavier Beker has no clue. He also did very little to help the Covid situation and essentially is just a spineless hack that concedes to everything Biden says, last kind of person we want in the Senate. So my point here is that as many of us want to cheer Ding Dong, the witch is dead about Diane Feinstein. It's actually probably going to get worse because the progressiveness of the left has changed. So much has gone so far left from the time that Feinstein started and was in politics.
I mean, she was in politics when California was still morally liberal, but economically conservative or fiscally conservative. So she is not an AOC, she is not an Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders. She's a little further left of center Democrat who now has no idea where she is or what she's doing. But she's not on a rampage against America. She's not someone that I would call a socialist. And I'm not defending her. She's still a freaking whack job people. But I guess what I'm trying to say is that her seat is going to be replaced by someone who is absolutely detrimental to the future of this country if it's one of the four people that I just talked about. All of them, you know what I don't want to say all of them. Barbara Lee, Adam Schiff, and Katie Porter are all on the Progressive Caucus. I don't think Rohan is.
Can you check that too? Still waiting for her age and it'll be really interesting to see what happens. Rob Bonta, who is the attorney general for California and also the Lieutenant Governor of California, both of which we know our toil hacks. Now, the funny thing is, all the liberals were like, get out your popcorn and let's watch the speaker fight while we were waiting to elect Kevin McCarthy, while we were actually involved in the Democratic process, something that's completely unfamiliar to these people, get out your popcorn, reading their books, doing whatever they're doing now, wait until this election starts. You've got just right here these people who have been officially recognized as going after Feinstein's Seat are the biggest degenerate, socialist lying sax of crap in Washington? What does that mean for us? This election is going to be a race to the bottom of the swamp.
I can just hear it now. Barbara Lee, Adam Schiff, Katie Porter on the debate stage, Katie Porter. Well, I suggested a million dollars for reparations. Adam Schiff will say, well I suggested 500 million for reparations. And then Barbara Lee, well, I suggested a billion in reparations, then Rohan, I want the borders completely open and I want to abolish ice. And then Katie Porter will say, well, I want the borders open, but I want five star hotels all along the Rio Grande to welcome them in to have spa services and pedicures and manicures. This is what the debate stage is going to look like. This is exactly what we are going to see. We're going to see them fighting over who's the most progressive, who's the biggest socialist, who's the biggest loser liberal? And it's just going to go down to the bottom and the bottom of the bottom.
And we are going to hear so many campaign promises. We're going to hear so many promises, so many progressive measures that they're going to take and stand up. Katie Porter's going to stand up against people like Mitch McConnell who are degrading our democracy. God, can they get a better comeback? It's like between Hitler and democracy, degrading democracy. They have nothing else to say. You're racist, you emulate Hitler, or you hate democracy. You're working actively to degrade democracy, which is so funny because they're the ones who don't want votes. They're the ones who want to be able to bulldoze over everyone without working the democratic process. They're the ones that push President Biden to use emergency orders and circumvention during Covid emergency orders to pass things like 300 billion in student loans.
Democracy is set up to avoid that circumvention, yet that is what they do. So the porter, Adam Shift, Lee and Kana war rooms will be up and running soon and it will be hysterical to watch. Personally, I think it's going to come down to whoever can raise the most money, and I believe it's going to be between Adam Schiff and Katie Porter. Unless Newsom really runs, which is a long shot if he won. If he runs, he's in no question. Katie Porter is a great fundraiser. I don't know how the hell she does it. I don't know one person with a lot of money that would want to be associated with such a degenerate, disgusting human being. But after she announced she immediately raised a million dollars, which she's going to need about, I don't know, 500 times that in order to win. But that's still something to think about as we look at the future of this election. So I don't really worry about it. It's going to be more for entertainment. I don't worry about it because we know it's not going to be a Republican.
It's not going to change anything. There are far more important Senate seats coming up that Republicans have a strong chance of flipping or taking or keeping that needs to be the focus. But this will be hysterical to watch. I could just hear it. I wanted a full ban on every single gun. Well, I wanted a ban on bullets and every single gun, well I wanted a ban on every single gun bullets and toy guns and target. I mean, when you watch, it'll just go down and down and down until we're at a point where everything will be free and we're living in a socialist utopia, and then they get into the Senate and they will do nothing. Katie Porter will sit with her fat ass and her big orange tent they put her in and read the art of not giving a F, which by the way, I don't know why she needs to read that. She doesn't give an F, certainly doesn't give an F about Orange County, but I know they're telling me to move on from Katie Porter because I hate her so much. Alright, let's take a quick break and I'll be right back.
If you and I just sat down and had a long meeting to plan out my trip to CPAC in DC in a few weeks, I just found out last week that I was personally invited by a big conservative media personality. And I will actually be working on radio row doing interviews, covering CPAC and also promoting the show. So we got really excited. We were all cheering, it's all good, woo, woo woo, and then all of a sudden it hit us. I don't have nearly enough swag, any printed materials to promote the show. I want t-shirts, QR code badges, buttons, lanyards, etcetera. We had nothing. Thank God I have the best team in the world, folks. They tell me, Chad, don't fret. We can get everything to you from Moo. They have everything you want minus the clothes, but they have buttons and cards and mugs and all the other swag to make a lasting impact.
See folks, I know business and I know how to grow a business. We didn't go from 50 to 200,000 listeners in under a year because I don't know what I'm doing. Trust me when I tell you at an event like this, and if you're carrying around your phone trying to put in numbers and send texts or emails on the floor, your information is going right into the mental trash can. You give someone an awesome card with a QR code and a button or a t-shirt they will never ever forget you. They put my order in on Friday and it will be shipped directly to my hotel by Wednesday. The people at Moo have this down to a science. All of your business and marketing assets are ready to print at Moo.com and get delivered in a couple of days. Stand out from the rest, make a lasting impression, and most importantly, grow your business with Moo.com. You'll love the products, but most importantly, you'll love the revenue that comes with having great materials. Moo.com make a lasting impression.
Alright folks. So I just recently read a report from Bloomberg and they say that nearly 100 cities and counties, including New York City, are moving or starting to move in the direction of regulating gas stoves and in their words, into oblivion. Now, I think Washington and most people were pretty shocked at the uproar from both sides when it came to the gas stove issue. It's not about the stove people. If the stove was truly an issue, I think Americans have enough wherewithal to say, I gotta swap this out. It's dangerous, it's causing problems. It's bad for the environment. Whatever information, factual information that's presented to us, we generally can make a smart decision. And the majority goes along with that smarter decision. With the stove it's not about the stove, it's about the significance of overregulation. People are sick and tired. Sick and tired, including me, including you, of the government inching closer and closer and eventually right through our front door.
They're already doing things like blocking gas vehicles and forcing everyone to have electric cars. That's insane. In California, after 2030 or 2033, no gas cars will be allowed on the road in California. I mean, it's crazy. And so when people reacted about the stove it wasn't necessarily, they like had this addiction to gas. I understand from a restaurant perspective, anyone who's ever cooked before knows that cooking on electric is garbage. But honestly, the masses of Americans that are kicking up dirt about this aren't fighting because they have some addiction to gas. We're just tired of the government inching closer and closer. California just made an announcement banning gas and wood burning stoves from 2030 on. Minnesota now is replicating that law. North Carolina has come up with this very bizarre carbon block law that would include gas stoves and New York is ensuring that building regulations moving forward, buildings are all electric and do not have gas. The other issue that people have is, as I'm saying this, if you're anything like me, and I don't know, I didn't even know that California, and I'm very active in politics, I didn't even realize that California actually passed the gas stove and fire stove ban.
I know the Fed was funding research about it, but I didn't know they actually passed the ban because the media shields these laws until it's too late. Until you and me can go in and fight and write to our congressmen or our state senators, say this is ridiculous. They do it on purpose and it's happening and it's happening fast. And they say, well, it's only going to be on new product. We're not going to come into your house and take it. But when you need a new one, gas won't be available. Once again, a regulation that is not needed. And then what they want to teach you, they what they want to try to encourage you to think. They've really eased on the environmental discussion and they're focusing more on the safety of gas stoves. Well guess what? Gas, liquified gas or air or natural gas, propane etcetera, isn't even one of the top five reasons why home fires start. There are actually 5,300 electrical home fires per year, which is about double the amount of home fires that can be contributed directly to natural gas.
The first cause is cooking. Now if you're anything like me when you hear that, you say, oh, cooking well you're cooking on a gas stove, the gas is what caused the fire. No, no, no. These are grief fires. This is human error in cooking, has nothing to do with whether it's gas or electric, has everything to do with the human making an error, getting something caught on fire, whatever needs to happen and then it gets out of control. The second cause is heating. And again guys, all of this I've had to go deep within to figure out the real answer because when you go on the government sites, they say cooking, heating, electrical, lighting, arson and smoking.
So again, me, you, any person that reads that automatically assumes cooking. Okay that's because of the gas stove, it's because of the gas cooktop. It's catching on fire. Heating, that's because the heating elements are powered by gas. A little pilot light, right? That's why, oh no, the heating fires are almost all caused by space heaters. Well, guess what? Space heaters are electric. They plug right into the wall. The third cause of house fire is electrical distribution or electrical malfunction. Above gas. Above gas. Lighting is another one. Again, electrical distribution, wrong light bulbs, miswiring, little spark causes a fire, lights the insulation on fire you're done. Next is arson and smoking. Well, those two are obvious. Smoking, you're in bed, cigarette falls out of your mouth, which I don't know who smokes in bed anymore. I know my great grandmother used to lay in bed and smoke.
I think I remember my grandma telling me that, but I don't know who smokes in bed or around the house. These have probably been significantly reduced as the number of smokers has been significantly reduced. And arson, same thing. Now keep in mind that when you do see gas as a fire cause if you will in some of these reports, 9 out of 10 times, they're talking about liquid fuel. In other words, what you can put in a gas can, what goes into your car? A liquid, not natural gas, which is actually gas air. Completely different chemical compound. Those fires are slim to none. It's actually a very, very safe form of energy, much safer than electric. And if you've been listening to me for a long time, you know that I've talked about why the electric push is such a joke. All these external factors that they want to swap to electric before they even look at our power grid is insane.
Here's why. First of all, our power grid is barely keeping up as it is. Our power grid has significant strains on it that need to get fixed. So by adding more to that grid, we're putting more strain on our electrical system period. Heating, cooling, lighting the country. Second of all, 98% of American electricity is powered by coal. One of the dirtiest, most polluting substances, fossil fuel, they so hate to go into the air. So again, you plug your electric car in, you stop filling it with gas or oil if you will, and all of a sudden that cleans the air and does everything else. Well, the reason you don't see it is because these places are far away, but every time you plug in your electric coal, okay, that's what we should call it, electric coal. Every time you plug in your electric car, more coal burns, more coal burns, more CO2 and black smoke and all the stuff that's supposed to be killing the world goes into the air, puts holes in the ozone layer, whatever Al Gore would want you to believe.
How does that make any sense? So now they say natural gas is bad for the environment. We want everything to be electric. First of all, half of the homes and restaurants in the country are natural gas and they emit very little carbon or harmful pollutants to the environment. Why? Because natural gas is 60% cleaner than coal, 60% cleaner than coal. So why would you take out 50% of American stoves that are powered by clean gas or fracked gas, replace them with electric that's going to immediately strain the electrical grid and create a further dependence on coal, burn more coal and put coal into the atmosphere, or sorry, burnt coal or carbon, whatever they want to call it. I'm no environmental expert folks. I'll wear that badge proudly. This is not safe. This quick and irresponsible switch to electric over gas, not just gas stoves, gas vehicles, any form of fossil fuels they're trying to get rid of except for the fossil fuels that actually power everything in this country.
It's backwards. Why would you try to solve a problem, which isn't even a problem, but why would you try to solve a problem such as CO2 emissions by merely swapping out some of the external factors? Maybe it's air travel, maybe it's cars, maybe it's stoves. Change those before you change the dependency on coal, which is dirtier, unsafe and worse for the environment. Why would you have more coal usage over cleaner forms of energy that are going to do less harm to the environment than had they not been swapped out for electric? I mean, natural gas emits 60% less harmful environmental carbon or CO2 than coal. You take 50% of the homes in the US, you swap them to electric, you get rid of those stoves and what do you have? You have an already strained grid being strained even more and burning more coal into the environment.
It makes no sense at all. And any scientist will tell you the same thing. If the left and the Bidens and the Al Gores of the world really cared about climate change and really cared about the environment, they would work to fix the grid first. The biggest problem first, you always fix your biggest problem first and then everything else follows suit. But they're picking on all these little aspects so they can say, look at what we did for the environment. And most people don't even realize that the grid is powered by coal. It's crazy. It's crazy talk. So hold on to your stoves folks and and continually watch this news because it is going to be so much worse from a safety standpoint and from an environmental standpoint, both of which are being touted as reasons for removing your stove. I'll be right back.
Folks I'm happy to say I lost 10 pounds in January and I will hopefully lose another 10 pounds in February. It's funny, I listened to all these health coaches on YouTube and podcasts telling us everything we need to do to lose weight, get more sleep. Did I work on getting more sleep? No. Did I work out like crazy? No. Light cardio in the gym twice a week? Did I stop and breathe more and center myself? No. Did I starve myself with this intermittent fasting all day? No. All I did is I stuck to eating lunch and dinner from factor meals. I've done everything folks. A year and a half ago I was over 300 pounds and now I am 240 with probably another 20 to 30 to go. The only way to lose weight is diet and that is it. Other things may help, but without diet, nothing else works.
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Alright, like I mentioned, dirty Pete is not doing his job again, go figure. Secretary of Transportation, Pete Budajudge, who I call dirty Pete, was at an event on Monday and said, too many construction crews don't look like the neighborhoods they work in. He went on to say, I would urge you, especially because often this is more in your hands than mine, to really work with organized labor, to work with your contractors, even work with your community colleges on holding a workforce that reflects the community. And of course that was a panel that he sat on for the National Association of Counties conference, which we know he was there to get press to say all these wonderful things about racial inequities and what he's doing for transportation, which is absolutely nothing because he can use these clips for his presidential run. He's running for president guys. Period.
He says, we have heard way too many stories from generations past of infrastructure where you've got a neighborhood, often a neighborhood of color that finally sees the project come to them. But everyone in the hard hats on the project looking like doing the good paying jobs, don't look like they came anywhere, came from anywhere near the neighborhood he continued. What is his obsession with transportation and race? The two things do not go hand in hand. You are the secretary of transportation. If you feel that race is so important, then take the Federal Department of Transportation and do integration. Do what you want, change the hiring practices, who cares? But stop going on these press tours talking about how you're using funds from taxpayers to fix racial inequities within transport like roads, his racist roads.
I mean, he just launched a $1 billion initiative in June of last year and he says he's going to address roads where he claimed were racist because they were put in to racially segregate or divide black communities from white communities. And that started when he pushed for the teardown of Interstate 375 or Interstate 375 in Detroit, his favorite city. He says racism was physically built into road projects all throughout history. I don't think so. I mean if you go all the way back to maybe slave labor, but other than that, I mean roads, road projects and even if there were racially motivated contracts or construction that was used in a time where whites and blacks stayed separate, it doesn't need fixing now, just move on. I can't imagine that the black communities get out of their house. They look at these roads and say, oh God, these roads are so racist. They make me feel so bad about being black. No, they get out of their house and they look around and they say, why are there no police presence here? Why are there gunshots?
Why have the liberals not cleaned up our water like in Flint, Michigan? Don't you think that would take precedent over whether or not a road separates their neighborhood from a neighborhood that's predominantly white because that doesn't affect their day-to-day? And that's what liberals do best. They weave this progressive bull crap into things like roads that would never normally have any sort of race base to them or basis to them. That way they can say, look at what I did for the black community. Look what I did for the projects. I tore down roads. Really? Is that really what we care about people? I really just can't imagine black communities cheering that on and thinking it's a good use of a billion dollars when that money could be used truly to revitalize a community that needs it. Invest in black owned businesses, make sure that the education in the black communities is top notch.
But no, we have to tear down that road. This picture, Pete standing on a racist road and he looks at Al Sharpton. Reverend Sharpton, tear down this road it's racist, everyone cheers woo. All the paid actors, woo woo. The guy's a joke. I mean, we had the airline meltdown. He said, oh, it's going to get better before the holidays. Don't worry. Now holidays came, it got worse. Supply chain, same thing. Oh, it's going to get better before Christmas. It's worse now than ever and we might be able to access materials, but the cost is exorbitant. I mean, look at the cost of steel, the cost of drywall. It's insane for the building industry. He is the ultimate failure. There's not one positive talking point about what he's done in transport. Now we talk about this derailing of the train. I do want to be fair, dirty Pete had nothing to do with the chemicals on that train.
It's not his fault that there were carcinogenic chemicals on that train. They're on trains all the time. The reason why I know this is because I've worked in beauty. Many of the chemicals on that train were chemicals for beauty like ethylene glycol for example. So the chemicals are the chemicals and that's an EPA issue. The problem is that in California we have this thing called prop 65. It's a joke, but anywhere there could be potential carcinogenic, environmental factors, lead-based paint, asbestos in ceilings, and those are actually real things. But there are also a ton of other things. Essentially, you can't walk anywhere in California without seeing a Prop 65 sign telling you that you're in a cancer causing area. These towns that these trains go through, are they notified? Does anyone know because like in California for example, trains, most trains in California don't go right up and through neighborhoods.
There are plenty that do, but the majority of them do not just go through a neighborhood. Now, when you go into the Midwest, especially places like Eastern Pennsylvania, high, high industrial places, railroads fly right through neighborhoods. I mean right through, right through Main Street. And I don't think these people have any idea of what is flying through their neighborhoods. I don't think they realize the carcinogenic chemicals. And why don't they realize that? Why don't they understand that these risks exist? See, that's the difference. That's the difference between someone who smokes and someone who's sitting breathing in carcinogenic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio today, someone who smokes understands the risks and still chooses to smoke. These people have not been given that choice. That's not fair.
So of course, so he's out touting all about racist roads and doing his thing, and all of these people are watching birds fall from the sky, fish float up and wash up onto shore from the very water reservoirs and rivers that supply water to their neighborhoods. 10% of the country's population depends on the East Ohio basin, river basin, if you will, for water. The problem is this is not an anomaly. Maybe specifically this combination of chemicals and the way they decided to blow it up, that's an anomaly. But I mean, we are in week six, already six weeks in to 2023, we've seen 12 trains derail around the country. Now half of them were results of cars stuck on the tracks or rocks falling off of a truck on the tracks, etcetera. But the other half were actually infrastructure breakdowns. I mean, just a couple of weeks ago, a train in Detroit went off the rails over a bridge while several of the train cars were hanging off to the side of the bridge in the middle of Detroit. There were two mysterious derailments just in California.
One is rumored to have been filled with wheat, a wheat shipment, and the other one, they're not confirming the contents. They're keeping it very, very hush hush. This is the same guy and the same administration and the same liberal dumb Fs that want to put high speed rails up and down the eastern seaboard, high speed rail from LA to San Francisco, high speed rail from LA to Las Vegas and Phoenix. These are the high speed rail champions. They can't even keep the low speed rails on 12 derailments, six weeks in. That doesn't happen in Europe, where they rely on trains as a mode of transportation. These kind of derailments don't happen because we have an administration that would rather funnel $1 billion into tearing down a racist road, a segregational road, a segregationist road than to fix the rail system that's responsible for cargo all over the country, especially industrial cargo that can't go on air.
And then he does this, usually he doesn't respond until the press is on him and it's a big deal. And then what does he do? He tweets about it. Oh, I'm going to send a couple tweets. No press conference, no accountability. And Tucker brought up a great point last night and he said, well, how would this administration be reacting if this was in a blue metro area like Detroit or Washington DC? It wasn't 70% conservative. It wasn't mainly blue-collar and hardworking people. I mean, if you watch the plume of toxic chemicals go up in the air, it is very intense. It's a full on mushroom cloud, dead fish all over the place. Birds falling out of the sky and burning was not the only solution folks. And there's still a lot of cleanup to be done. I don't know if I've shared this before, but my dad actually works in environmental cleanup originally through petroleum companies and now he works up at Santa Barbara Ventura area helping get stuff cleaned up for either sale or development or whatever from land that either had refineries on it or chemical companies or whatnot.
Now, I'm not an expert on any of this and I don't know what specific things are good for specific chemicals, but I will tell you that technology exists to soak this stuff up out of the ground and the groundwater. For example, a few years ago I remember my dad telling me that there was a chemical, I don't know what it was. And the way that he decided to do the cleaning is they actually pumped sort of a version of vegetable oil into the ground that would either destroy or sort of grab that chemical and take it away. Again, this was like me just sort of putting this out there. From what I've seen, they've relied mainly on the burns and they've assured us that there's nothing in the ground, there's nothing in the groundwater and there's no pollutants in the air and everyone can come back home.
Well man, have we heard that before? And what's funny is that, I said last time about that, I said, where's Erin Brockovich when it comes to this? Well, she just came out yesterday and said, hey, you need to fix this and you need to double triple check. I can almost guarantee you that the technologies that we have available to do safe cleanups are not being used at this site because for the Fed right now, it's get people back in their homes, get all of this away, get it shut down so there's no media attention and everyone forgets about it. And when that is your main goal, you begin to cut corners and that's what's happening. And dirty Pete is right behind it going instead of saying, hey, EPA, you focus on the chemicals, we need to do an entire audit of the railroad system from this point to this point.
See if there's any potential threats, dump money into it. Oh no. He sends out two or three tweets about how they're working as hard as they can, just like he did with the airlines, just like he did with supply chain. So when you listen about this story in East Palestine, just know that not everything is being done that needs to be done from a chemical standpoint and from an infrastructure standpoint, which is the cause of this, which falls directly under dirty Pete's responsibilities. It's a mess. We've already had 12 derailments, six of which were directly related to the infrastructure, not even external factors. So it'll be interesting tomorrow in the next day to see what Washington has to say about all of this, because I know that dirty Pete will be forced to get on TV. Maybe he'll go on Kimmel or some easy sleazy late night show like he loves to do and talk about how wonderful he is and how if it wasn't for him, this would have never been better and they'll twist it and find some positive thing.
Meanwhile, the water that 10% of the entire US population depends on is definitely containing toxins. There's no way around it. There's absolutely no way around it. It wll be interesting to see what dirty Pete has to say for himself. We have to fix the infrastructure. We don't use this infrastructure bill to deal with racist roads and making sure that we have diverse construction crews. Meanwhile, trains are derailing, people can't get their planes to go home for their family, emergency work, whatever it is. Builders can't get their supplies on time. Food companies can't get their food on time and the list goes on and on and on.
Yet people exalt dirty Pete, they think he's great because he's breaking the gay ceiling. That's a women is a glass ceiling, what's the gay ceiling? The rainbow ceiling? He pushed through the rainbow ceiling. The guy is a fricking moron. I can't stand him. This is yet another example of race and diversity coming before work and merit. This is Chad Law reminding you of what Reagan once said. A stronger defense is an investment in peace. God bless you President Reagan and may God save America.
Outro: You just listened to the Last Gay Conservative podcast hosted by Chad Law. Please visit us at Lastgayconservative.com for this episode and others. We're also on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, U2, and wherever you listen. If you like the show, please like, subscribe and share. Find us on Social at Last Gay Conservative. We proudly support the following causes, the Convention of State's action, the National Rifle Association, the Heritage Foundation and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Disclaimer, the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent. The last gay conservative is a production of Pen Write Media. All rights reserved 2022.
Now, I'm not an expert on any of this and I don't know what specific things are good for specific chemicals, but I will tell you that technology exists to soak this stuff up out of the ground and the groundwater. For example, a few years ago I remember my dad telling me that there was a chemical, I don't know what it was. And the way that he decided to do the cleaning is they actually pumped sort of a version of vegetable oil into the ground that would either destroy or sort of grab that chemical and take it away. Again, this was like me just sort of putting this out there. From what I've seen, they've relied mainly on the burns and they've assured us that there's nothing in the ground, there's nothing in the groundwater and there's no pollutants in the air and everyone can come back home.
Well man, have we heard that before? And what's funny is that, I said last time about that, I said, where's Erin Brockovich when it comes to this? Well, she just came out yesterday and said, hey, you need to fix this and you need to double triple check. I can almost guarantee you that the technologies that we have available to do safe cleanups are not being used at this site because for the Fed right now, it's get people back in their homes, get all of this away, get it shut down so there's no media attention and everyone forgets about it. And when that is your main goal, you begin to cut corners and that's what's happening. And dirty Pete is right behind it going instead of saying, hey, EPA, you focus on the chemicals, we need to do an entire audit of the railroad system from this point to this point.
See if there's any potential threats, dump money into it. Oh no. He sends out two or three tweets about how they're working as hard as they can, just like he did with the airlines, just like he did with supply chain. So when you listen about this story in East Palestine, just know that not everything is being done that needs to be done from a chemical standpoint and from an infrastructure standpoint, which is the cause of this, which falls directly under dirty Pete's responsibilities. It's a mess. We've already had 12 derailments, six of which were directly related to the infrastructure, not even external factors. So it'll be interesting tomorrow in the next day to see what Washington has to say about all of this, because I know that dirty Pete will be forced to get on TV. Maybe he'll go on Kimmel or some easy sleazy late night show like he loves to do and talk about how wonderful he is and how if it wasn't for him, this would have never been better and they'll twist it and find some positive thing.
Meanwhile, the water that 10% of the entire US population depends on is definitely containing toxins. There's no way around it. There's absolutely no way around it. It wll be interesting to see what dirty Pete has to say for himself. We have to fix the infrastructure. We don't use this infrastructure bill to deal with racist roads and making sure that we have diverse construction crews. Meanwhile, trains are derailing, people can't get their planes to go home for their family, emergency work, whatever it is. Builders can't get their supplies on time. Food companies can't get their food on time and the list goes on and on and on.
Yet people exalt dirty Pete, they think he's great because he's breaking the gay ceiling. That's a women is a glass ceiling, what's the gay ceiling? The rainbow ceiling? He pushed through the rainbow ceiling. The guy is a fricking moron. I can't stand him. This is yet another example of race and diversity coming before work and merit. This is Chad Law reminding you of what Reagan once said. A stronger defense is an investment in peace. God bless you President Reagan and may God save America.
Outro: You just listened to the Last Gay Conservative podcast hosted by Chad Law. Please visit us at Lastgayconservative.com for this episode and others. We're also on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, U2, and wherever you listen. If you like the show, please like, subscribe and share. Find us on Social at Last Gay Conservative. We proudly support the following causes, the Convention of State's action, the National Rifle Association, the Heritage Foundation and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Disclaimer, the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent. The last gay conservative is a production of Pen Write Media. All rights reserved 2022.